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Nissen-Emery Award Finalists 

The following Nissen-Emery Award finalists are:

Aidan Cuy

Aston Anaya

Colt Walker

Connor Mccool

Donovan Hewitt

Evgeny Siminiuc

Garret Braunton

Jack Freeman

Javier Alfonso

Michael Fletcher

Noah Newfeld

Sam Phillips

Syam Buradagunta

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Major: Masters - Computational Operations Research, Undergrad - MATHEMATICS

GPA: Master’s - 3.7, Undergrad, 3.8

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School: University of Illinois

Major: Information Sciences

GPA: 3.91

Click here for list of accomplishments: Doc1, Doc 2


Connor Mccool


School: University of Illinois

Major: Masters - RST, Undergrad - Business Administration

GPA: Masters - 4.0, Undergrad - 3.85

Click here for list of accomplishments: Doc1, Doc2


Colt Walker



Major: Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 3.448

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Donovan Hewitt


School: Ohio State

Major: graduate - Law, Undergrad - Political Science

GPA: Graduate - 3.04, Undergrad - 3.59

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Evgeny Siminiuc


School: University of Michigan

Major: Computer science

GPA: 2.927

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Garret Braunton


School: US Air Force Academy

Major: Management

GPA: 3.278

Click here for list of accomplishments


Jack Freeman


School: University of oklahoma

Major: Psychology

GPA: 2.55

Click here for list of accomplishments: Doc1, Doc2


Javier Alfonso


School: University of Michigan

Major: Psychology & Cognitive Science

GPA: 3.402

Click here for list of accomplishments


Michael Fletcher


School: University of Illinois

Major: Masters - RST, Undergrad - Advertising

GPA: Masters - 4.0, Undergrad - 3.54

Click here for list of accomplishments: Doc1, Doc2


Noah Newfeld


School: University of California, Berkeley

Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer science

GPA: 3.532

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Sam Phillips


School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Major: Hospitality, Restaurant & Tourism

GPA: 3.639

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Syam Buradagunta


School: United States Naval Academy

Major: Operations Research

GPA: 3.65

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