About the NPI


A Brighter future

In 2021 USA Gymnastics and the National Gymnastics Foundation contracted The Pictor Group to give a jump start to NCAA Men’s Gymnastics. At the time there were 13 remaining NCAA programs. Through those efforts, we have seen 2 new programs established. Both programs successfully fielded full rosters in their inaugural seasons and demonstrated success both in and out of the gym. These programs have provided the blueprints for growth and have established a new standard for the New Program Initiative.

The New Program Initiative branch of the CGA was created to grow and sustain NCAA men’s gymnastics. We work to create new programs at the NCAA level while also providing resources to protect current programs. The NPI will develop and present material to universities with the goal to establish opportunities for NCAA men’s gymnastics.


NPI Mission Statement

To promote the vision of the CGA by increasing the competitive opportunities at the NCAA level.

Our why

Our “Why”, is the next generation of young gymnasts. Providing opportunities for gymnasts to live out their dreams, becoming Student-Athletes at the NCAA level is our focus. A lifetime of dedication deserves a lifetime of opportunities. We want to make sure gymnasts can continue to develop as students, gymnasts and most importantly, people.

Goals and Objectives

-To increase the number of competitive programs and opportunities at the NCAA level

-Help sustain current and new programs

-Provide guidance and assistance for universities and organizations that have like goals and objectives

-Provide feedback that may guide the future of NCAA Men’s Gymnastics

-Create and sustain multiple fundraising mechanisms for the NPI