ASU Freshman Wing Eat-a-Thon

It’s that time of a year again when the new freshman to the ASU Sundevil Gymnastics team will be battling it out for the title of Wing Eating Champ! This has been a long standing tradition for the team and we are glad to announce some new amazing opportunities to go along with it. We will be using this as a fundraiser, not only for our team, but also for another charity here in the valley that helps kids with autism. Here’s how it works. To help raise money for the ASU Sundevil Gymnastics team all you need to do is take the whole family out to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings at the Chandler Fashion Center on October 8th. (No joke the WHOLE FAMILY. Kids, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles and even that strange cousin we all have) and present the Sundevil Gymnastics flyer to your server. Hopefully you got one in your email, if you didn’t, just mention that you are there for the Sundevil Gymnastics fundraiser and they will be sure that 10% of the proceeds from your meal will be given back to the team.

To help raise money for Walk Now for Autism Speaks you just have to sponsor a freshman in the contest by making a per wing pledge that will get donated. We will be sending out a Damage report the day after the contest so everyone will know how their sponsored freshman did.

Please make all checks payable to Sundevil Gymnastics as we will be making one big donation to Walk Now for Autism Speaks. All donations will need to be mailed or dropped off to Aspire Kids Sports Center. 50 S Hearthstone Way Chandler, AZ 85226 By October 19th.

Thank you all for your continued support of Sundevil Gymnastics and our support of other local non profits.



